OK... there was a little glitch in the birthday calendar, but I believe all is well now. (Thanks, Becki, for letting me know.)
I should also note that the dates were posted "quick-entry style," so if the date had already passed, it sometimes wouldn't show up until 2009. For example, Mary Powell's birthday was earlier this month, so it won't necessarily show up in the August 2008 calendar, but she's there for 2009. Ben Harless' birthday is Thursday, so his shows up as the first entry since it's after the date I put them all into the calendar.
This calendar is very interactive. Click on the arrows to flip between months, or click on the date and you can flip forward or back to a specific date and it will give you all the calendar listings closest to then.
If anyone else encounters any problems, or if there's corrections to be made, just post a comment on this entry, and I'll get it taken care of ASAP.
New Digs!
Thanks to the "spring flood" in our basement, my old art room has been
cleared out and the renovation begins! Yes... it is Christmas time and
yes... it is...
16 years ago