Brace for the carnage and the subsequent rubber-chicken farm. Two words:
Killer Bunnies.
For those of you who know, I really don't have to say more. For those of you who don't, it's probably prudent to let you know what you're walking into. This card/dice game pits players against one another, armed to the teeth (if they're lucky) with a Kitchen Whisk, Torque Rings or, worse yet, Sharks WFLB*. And that's only if they survive the Cyber Bunny attacks or the Plutonium Radiation. But be warned: It doesn't pay to be nice in this game, and somebunny will always get hurt, or at least abducted by aliens — if they're lucky.
Having noted a few choice tidbits of information on the subject here and there since the last Ft. Rob, I'm anticipating several knock-down drag-out fireball competitions of epic proportions between Dryden Meints and Ben Harless, with a close eye kept on Aldy, which I imagine is always a good idea. ;-)
The rest of us will likely perish several times over and in spectacular fashion, no doubt. Myself, I can only hope my bunnies suffer a terrible misfortune while trapped in an old Fiat before being attacked by the Ebola Virus — or WORSE, (Bittersweet) Chocolate-Covered Anti-Matter Raisins — power-boosted by the Minilith, thus rendering my F18 Hornet and my wimpy-yet-thoroughly-entertaining Green Gelatin (With Evil Pineapple Chunks) utterly useless. I really hate when that happens.
There will be tears. There will be laughter. There will be many people awake past midnight. Choose your bed-down locations wisely.
*With Frickin' Laser Beams!
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