Monday, July 7, 2008

Three weeks and counting (or, LOW-TECH RULZ!!!)

Actually, by the time you read this, I'm guessing there will be a lot less than that. (Is anyone reading this right now at all, anyway? Hellooooooooooo...?)

Well, that's OK. From what I hear, there's lots of planning in the works... meals, vacations, driving arrangements.

And don't forget the entertainment. (Not that we're all not entertaining enough...)

My favorite memory of all Fort Robs is... BOX HOCKEY! YEEEAH!!!

Despite all the gizmos I imagine will be floating around the houses (DS and PSPs... DVD, CD and MP3 players... digital cameras, blog equipment *ahem*), box hockey will still be the coolest form of family entertainment there. ANYONE can play, and taking turns is kinda built in because you're bound to tire out if nothing else.

I'm not sure how many box-hockey games are out there. I know my parents have (at least) one, or used to. I know Butch built the one we used in the Fort Rob gatherings when I was among the youngest there. And I know there is a really funny video out there of "the Mikes" — Harless and Dvorak — playing box hockey (if I can figure out a way to get that clip posted, I definitely will).

Next time: Facing the mental giant (or, How to Avert a Rick Petersen Trivial Pursuit Victory)


Unknown said...

The one we had has been lost to the ages. Finally got rid of it after began rotting in the side yard...

L.A.Dvorak said...

Dad doesn't think we ever made one. Probably got the wood to do it and never followed through. However... I will try to see if we can find the movie. I will be 8mm you still want it?

Unknown said...

We never made one? Dang. I could have sworn that we did. I guess now our hopes hang on Butchy? *crossing fingers*

And yes, I would LOVE the 8mm. I think it's a must-have for this blog. I have no idea how I might transfer it, but I'm sure I can find someone to help me figure it out.